Yana Matviychuk – is a Ukrainian entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of the creative event company ARENS CS, founder of the NGO “Libertarian Perspective” and founder of the “Women’s Aid International” charity fund
ABOUT Yana Matviychuk
In 2004, I founded the ARENA CS company with a multimillion-dollar turnover with a starting capital of $300.
Date and place of birth
I was born on September 26, 1982 in Budapest, Hungary.
1989 – 1993
Studied at a school in the city of Otar, Kazakhstan
1999 – 2004
Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko
Master of history, specialization – European history
2015 – 2017
International Institute of Business
Executive MBA, Business Administration and Management
SingularityU Kyiv
Technologies and transformation
Event company ARENA CS
2004 – founded the ARENA CS event company. Currently, there are more than 70 employees. Over 7,000 projects were implemented during the company’s existence. Arena CS’s clients include the following international non-governmental organizations: UNDP, USAID, OSCE, WHO, FAU, UNICEF, and others. The company also cooperates with Porsche, Philip Morris, BASF, and the Ukrainian Association of Information Technologies. ARENA CS office is located in Kyiv.
The main area of activity is the organization of business conferences, international conferences, corporate events, organization of leisure, and conference services for non-governmental organizations.
Other businesses
Web studio Nixwood
Accounting company WeDoITBM
Eco polygraphy
Social activity and charity
Business education for IDPs (2016-2018)
The main goal of the project is to provide IDPs and war victims with the necessary skills and experience that will contribute to successful employment.
Education for teenagers
The project is aimed at supporting teenagers in the process of growing up and becoming independent.
Greening the Planet
Annual participation in the project on the greening of Ukraine.
Women’s Aid International Foundation
In 2022, Yana Matviychuk founded the charity fund Women’s Aid International. The main vocation of the fund is to help elderly people aged 60+ and IDPs who found themselves in a difficult situation due to the war. The fund provides assistance in the Dniprovskyi and Darnytskyi districts of Kyiv.
In my Instagram profile, you can follow the latest updates, my life, and the first announcements of the most interesting projects.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see lectures held by me and reactions to the current situation in Ukraine.