The stereotype about capitalist America is completely shattered if you get to know the works of Ayn Rand – an American writer, philosopher, author of bestsellers, who are still actively read all over the world. Already in 1957, in the novel “Atlantean Shrugged”, the author warned that the state in the USA could turn into a monster. Why should you read “Atlanta” and how will it save Ukraine from poverty?


Views of Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand believed that capitalism should not be limited, and the state should take a minimal part in the economic life of the country. The state should be constitutionally limited and its function should be manifested only in the matter of protecting the personal rights of people.

Ayn Rand put reasonable rationalism and free enterprise in the first place. She was convinced that it is the free creativity of the entrepreneur and the institution of private property that moves society forward.

It is mistakenly believed that Ayn Rand was one of the main ideologues of the USA, as Lenin was in the USSR. Because it’s not like that at all. All mainstream politicians from the Democratic and Republican parties harshly criticized Ayn Rand. In addition, influential representatives of universities, media and churches criticized the philosopher.

Ayn Rand criticized America: why?

According to Ayn Rand, capitalism and freedom gradually began to disappear in America, and it was replaced by restrictions on the rights of citizens and the “enlargement” of the state. Ayn Rand warned already in 1957 in the novel “Atlantean Shrugged” that the state would turn into a monster, but no one listened to her. Instead, the USA advanced the model of state universal interventionism (the principle of state intervention everywhere). And the US is already paying for this decision. Yes, now approximately 40% of the US GDP goes to government spending, and the institution of private property has become very limited.

If Ayn Rand looked at the USA now, she would definitely say that the country has become socialist. However, note that today the USA ranks first in freedom of enterprise and protection of the rights of citizens and private property. So, one can only imagine what Ayn Rand would say about economic freedoms in most other countries today…

Should you read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand?

Ayn Rand skilfully combines fiction with realism, dystopia with utopia in the book series “Atlantean Shrugged”. This novel will be of interest to business owners, managers and those who want to familiarize themselves with the world bestseller. Interestingly, at the end of the 20th century, a survey was conducted in the USA, which showed that Ayn Rand’s trilogy was second only to the Bible in the ranking of the best books. So this book really changes the worldview of the reader.

I believe that Ukrainian politicians, officials and citizens should definitely familiarize themselves with the work of Ayn Rand and the trilogy “Atlant Shrugged”. It is very important that now as many people as possible support the development of the free market and advocate that the state does not have the right to engage in commercial activities, as is still happening in Ukraine, because this is the only way we will be able to build a successful Ukraine of the future. In no case after the Victory, we should not allow officials with a socialist approach to power. But in order to understand who is a socialist and who is not, we need to know what true capitalism is and why only with its existence can a person be truly free and wealthy, and not a hostage of the state.