Yana Matviychuk, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putim

Tucker Carlson interviewed dictator Putin. As expected, Putin tried to spread Russian propaganda. But the biggest shock was Putin’s excursion into history. In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin delivered a misleading and uninteresting lecture on the history of Ukraine.

As a graduate of the history faculty of Shevchenko University, let’s critically examine the key propaganda points made by this individual. To begin with, I will share my impressions.

The interview was very boring. Putin constantly lied and did it very boringly.
As they say, “Ukrainians have forgotten their entire history, and Russians have invented their entire history.”
Putin began by saying that the Russian state began in Novgorod (modern Russia) in 862 when the local people invited the Viking Rurik to reign.

putin, interview, carlson

Shot from Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.

Putin’s lies in an interview

This is a lie and here’s why:
– The future capital of the Moscow principality was founded in 1147 (285 years later). What can be called the prototype of the Moscow state was formed in 990 – the foundation of Volodymyr on Klyazma and the formation of the Volodymyr-Suzdal principality as a distant colony of Kyiv.
– Finno-Ugric tribes lived mainly in the area of the future Muscovy, there were few Slavs. Slavs lived mainly in Kyiv, so we are ethnically different from Russians.
– Muscovy conquered Novgorod only in 1456 when the Moscow prince Vasily II the Dark defeated the Novgorod militia on the Russa River. Before that, Novgorod was a republic. Immediately after the victory, the Moscow troops staged genocide, mass deportations, and murders there. The same as we saw in Buch or other Ukrainian cities that were captured by Russia.

Historical propaganda

Putin says that the baptism of Russia took place in 988. But there was no Russia or even Moscow at that time. The baptism took place in Kyiv.
Putin says that the Mongols captured Rus, but the northern cities (Vladimir na Klyazma, Moscow) along with the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality retained partial autonomy.
This is a lie. Kyiv and the greater territory of modern Ukraine were freed from the Mongols 118 years earlier – in 1362 due to the Battle of the Blue Waters. By the way, the liberation took place at the expense of Western aid – Lithuania, Poland, and the Germans. And Muscovy was liberated from the Mongols in 1480. By the way, it was during the Mongol rule that Moscow strengthened and became the capital of a separate autonomous district in the Mongol Empire. Therefore, modern Russia is a descendant of the Golden Horde – the Mongol Empire.
Putin says that the united Russian state emerged during Mongol rule. Why did it happen like that? Because the Muscovite rulers were the most loyal servants of the Mongol khans. They collected the most taxes from the local population for the Mongols, so the Mongols supported Muscovy.

tuker carlson, interview with vladimir putin

Shot from Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.

Putin is trying to change history

Putin constantly calls Ukrainian lands “Russia”. The term “Russia” began to be used in the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition, Ukrainian lands were called “Rus”. The Principality of Moscow or even Novgorod was never called “Russia”. So do not confuse the terms “Rus” and “Russia”.
Putin says that the Cossacks fought to join Russia. It is not true. The Cossacks, together with Bohdan Khmelnytsky, fought for their rights and freedoms, not for joining Russia. The Tsar of Moscow simply took advantage of the situation.

Putin’s consistent efforts to propagate his distorted version of history are indeed well-documented, and it’s crucial to counteract these efforts by spreading accurate information among Ukrainians and internationally. The interview with Tucker Carlson, where Putin’s narrative was exposed as delusional and disjointed, served as a valuable opportunity to highlight the inconsistencies and falsehoods in his claims.

By showcasing Putin’s lack of coherence and historical accuracy, the interview effectively undermined his credibility, especially among English-speaking audiences. This can be particularly influential in shaping public opinion and garnering support for Ukraine, as it exposes Putin’s irrationality and lack of justification for his aggressive actions.

In times of geopolitical tension, such as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the dissemination of accurate information becomes a powerful tool in shaping perceptions and rallying support for the affected party. By exposing Putin’s historical inaccuracies and irrationality, we can help sway those who may have been undecided about which side to support, ultimately bolstering international solidarity with Ukraine.

The interview with Putin made a good noise

Tucker Carlson’s provocative interview with Putin made a good noise, but even Carlson himself did not expect such nonsense. I believe that Putin fell in the eyes of the Western elites, who hesitated. It’s good.
However, the very fact that such an interview was conducted means only one thing – Ukraine is not doing enough to inform Western countries. We have to talk not only to politicians and heads of state but also to convince ordinary citizens that the truth is on our side. Only in this way will we receive support, have a chance to defeat the Russians, and restore historical truth.