Jason Jones is an American producer, pro-life activist, and Republican.
Yana Matviychuk met James Jones during Ukrainian Week 2024 in Washington. Last year Jason Jones visited Ukraine and was surprised that Ukraine is a conservative country.
Before his visit to Ukraine, Jason Jones thought, like thousands of other Republicans and conservative Americans, that LGBT flags in Ukraine are hanging at every building. In reality, Jones saw absolutely opposite thing – no LGBT flags or other identities in public places. Jason Jones said that the only LGBT flag he noticed in Kyiv was placed at the Canadian Embassy.
Interestingly, Jones compared Ukraine with Poland, which is considered in the USA as a completely conservative state. But the thing is, according to Jones, that after landing in Poland he immediately noticed LGBT flags everywhere. In conclusion, Jones summarized that Ukrainian society seems to have more conservative values but nobody in America knows it.
Yana Matviychuk and Jason Jones
Based on a visit to Kyiv Jones during an interview with Yana Matviychuk shared 3 advices for Ukraine to achieve more support from Republicans and conservative Americans.
- Tell people who Ukrainians are
Jason Jones says that Western media often while covering the situation in Ukraine do pinkwashing. And Russian propaganda uses this. Important is that Western countries have to stop forcing Ukrainians to change culture in return for support.
- Ukrainians need to be tribal
Under «tribal» Jones means that Ukrainians have to work on the development of communication with different groups. For example, if you are a catholic – you have to speak to the catholic community, if orthodox – to orthodox community. Ukraine has a diverse society and representatives of different groups have to tell the truth to the same communities in the USA and all over the world.
- Spread of Ukrainian culture and history
Average Americans don’t know a lot about the history and culture of Ukraine. Ukrainians have to share information about Holodomor, Soviet oppression, russian brutality in Ukraine for hundreds of years.
Watch the full interview with Jason Jones on Yana Matviychuk’s YouTube-channel: