
ABOUT Yana Matviychuk

Yana Matviychuk is a Ukrainian volunteer, public figure, owner of the creative agency ARENA CS. During the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Yana Matviychuk raised about 3 million dollars to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, paramedics and volunteers. In addition, Yana Matviychuk, together with her partners, repeatedly delivered cars for the military to the front lines.

Also, Yana Matviychuk is the founder of the Women’s Aid International charity fund, which provides assistance to the elderly, people with disabilities and forced migrants.

Yana Matviychuk actively advocates the introduction of a free economy in Ukraine, is a libertarian and a successful businesswoman. Yana Matviychuk also promotes simplification in the issue of possession of firearms by civilians of Ukraine. Thanks to its active position in Ukraine, the system of obtaining permits for possessing hunting weapons was simplified.

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